Set up you computer in order to start watching TVI Online from your own PC, this article will help you make the most of your connection on

Discover how to manage your TVI TV online account

Thanks to the latest technical innovations, it is now perfectly possible to watch TV online from your personal computer or from your mobile device, such as an iPhone or an iPad. While taking advantage of all the potential the Internet has to offer is not very difficult, here you will find a concise guide that will allow you to register and manage your TVI Online account.

Login TVI

To login, choose your option: Create an account or sign up with Facebook or Google!

  • The first step you will have to follow in order to sign up as a new user is to visit, a website that allows you to stream TVI in real time for free.
  • Click on ‘LIVE’ to start watching TV. Although an account is necessary to watch TV Gratis, it is also possible to make use of your Google or Facebook account in order to log into the system.
  • Click on ‘login com o Google’ or ‘login com o Facebook’ and type your username and password.
  • Once this is taken care of, you will gain access to an HD stream. It is important to note that it is not compulsory to be in Portugal or Brazil to watch TVI, as you can also connect from Ukraine, Poland or any other European country.
  • Last of all, remember that you can also modify your personal settings by accessing the control panel, where you can manage your preferences, such as email notifications, or change your password.

Watch TV Online from your computer

TVI streaming

Find your favorites programs on TVI in “VIDEO” Subtitle

While TVI Online is one of the most popular streaming services available everywhere, there are also another ways of watching TVI. Follow these steps you learn how to do it:

  1. You can visit, where you will only need to select TVI to start watching it live. TVDEZ offers a huge selection of television channels, including Joker TV or UA Services.
  2. TVtuga is also another useful website where you will be able to watch live sports. By clicking em direto TVtuga, you can watch HD gratis without having to worry about monthly payments.

To sum up, there are a lot of ways to watch TVI from your computer or from your mobile device, something that will allow you to enjoy television in ways that you have never experienced before.

Learn more about TVI Online actualities

TVI Address



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