Many holders are not aware that they can register sky account online to login and manage their TV box and program their watch list.

Register your online account on

By creating a sky login, it is possible to :

  • Check your balance
  • Amend or cancel services
  • Access Sky online help

Access on demand services by creating a Sky account.

Create an account is simple and can be done in a few easy steps by phoning the customer service phone number.

A sky operative will take you through the process, help you select which service would be best for you and arrange for your equipment to be sent out to you and installed as well as providing you with an username and password to enable you to access and manage your account online.


When you have created a account, it is a simple process to check your balance, or amend your account using the details provided that has been supplied.

It is simple to add or cancel services or check for service updates in your area.

Accessing Sky Services : if for any reason you have a problem with your sky account, such as the equipment not working, or a message stating your account has been suspended, it is better to phone customer services on the number which is free and provided on this website just few lines before.

To check that your equipment is still functioning, they will ask you for the number on the card that is inserted into your Sky Box. There are many other services which come as extras to a account, such as access to on demand services and the Sky.

Go on “now TV” online websites.

Go to the "Now TV" page on Sky

Go to the “Now TV” page on Sky

These services allow you to watch any sky program whenever and wherever it suits you and program your equipment to record TV content from your mobile phone.

Access to online services of "Now TV" on Sky

Access to online services of “Now TV” on Sky

Change your address at SKY.

When moving home, it is not necessary to cancel your sky account, as Sky covers most of the United Kingdom it is possible to transfer your account and equipment to your new address, with only a small cost for reinstallation. Arranging this can be done online or through the online chat service provided on their website.

Sky News in United Kingdom

Sky head office
Grant Way
Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 5QD
United Kingdom

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