Create an Apple account and ID and discover how to change settings on Itunes, Icloud and more. Get ready to think different at

Creating an account ID

To create an Apple account, simply visit the apple web page and:

  1. Apple will ask for your full name, an email address (if you have not email address, learn here how to get one) and a password.
  2. Following this you will be asked to fill in a number of security questions (e.g what’s your nickname?)
  3. Next, you will be asked to enter your date of birth, a rescue email (in case you lose your login details, this email will act as a safety net) and your mailing address.
  4. You can then go onto approve your email preferences and sign up to be updated on the latest news from Apple. Then you are free to sign in as you please.
  5. An Apple ID can also be created from iTunes, from the Store menu click “Create Apple ID” and continue to follow the step by step instructions.
  6. To create an ID from an iPhone, iPad or iPod, click onto “Home”, “Settings” and then onto iTunes and App Stores, choose your appropriate country and follow the instructions.
  7. If you have an existing Apple account, you will receive an email to the account it is linked with notifying you.
  8. Next you will be asked for information regarding payment. Credit and Debit cards payments are processed instantly. A credit card is always needed for an account setup for kids.
  9. Without credit card? Not to worry. Apple accept Apple Gift Cards and even Wire Transfers.
  10. Once logged into your account you will be able to monitor your purchase history and overall management of your account.
  11. Your balance can be checked on any of your Apple devices.
Create Apple ID

To create your Apple ID, begin to fill in these fields

Apple account Support for iCloud, iTunes on

  • If you’re experiencing any issues with creating an account or your current account then do not hesitate to contact Apple support and security team.
  • There is a password reset option available if you cannot remember your password.
  • Apple support are able to help and guide you through any issues, whether you have been hacked, your limit reached, account disabled, or a payment change. The recovery team are there to help you.
Apple ID

Manage all you Apple services thanks to your ID!

An Apple account allows you to purchase and listen to your favorite songs and movies. The company even offer users an online cloud storage drive known as iCloud that keep all your data saved. It is an incredibly safe and secure service that has global recognition and appreciation.

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