Thanks to Royal Mail Postcode Finder, you can find any UK postcode on Follow these steps to use this mail service

Postcode Finder tool by Royal Mail

Royal Mail’s easy-to-use Postcode Finder lets you look up any address in the UK free, whether you are searching for a residential address or a business:

  • Simply enter the address or postcode into the search bar,
  • And the app will suggest matches for you as you type.
  • Once you see the address or postcode you are looking for, all you need to do is click on it.
Post code finder

To find a post code, simply enter information in this frame.

If you wish, you can then view the address on a map. You can use the app to search for companies and building names as well as for full addresses and postcodes. You can even change the language settings from English to Welsh, which is useful if the address you are looking for has both English and Welsh spellings. So if you are looking for a company in Swansea, as example, you can search in English, Welsh, or a combination of both.

Sign up on

You don’t need to set up an account with to use their Postcode Finder, but if you do want to create an account then it could not be simpler.

Create an account:

  1. Select whether your account will be for personal or business use
  2. Fill in your details, including name, address, and email
  3. Choose a password
  4. Agree to the terms and conditions

Sign in to your account:

  • Log in using your email address and password
  • If you ever forget your password, simply select ‘forgotten your password?’
  • Enter your email address, and Royal Mail will email your password to you.
  • You can also request a new password to be sent to you.

There are two customer service telephone numbers on the website that you can call if you need any help, which can be contacted daytime and evenings from Monday to Friday, as well as on Saturdays until 1 pm. You can also call in to any UK post office if you need help or advice on any Royal Mail services.

These numbers are: 0845 7111 222 and 0906 302 1222

The Royal Mail Postcode Finder is free, easy to use, and lets you search for up to 50 UK businesses or residential addresses a day. It does not currently allow you to search for addresses in Europe.

Royal Mail Delivery Office in London

Waltham House

11 Kirkdale Road

London E11 1UT, United Kingdom

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