Nationwide Online Banking is a banking portals on the Internet, offers its clients a very useful website, login your flex account on
Where they will be easily able to invest their money and compare interest rates and mortgages with just a few clicks.
Logging into
If you would like to learn how to log into Nationwide Online Banking, the following steps will guide you along the process. Although it is also possible to download Nationwide’s mobile app in order to register as a user, we will use a desktop computer in this occasion.
- Checking whether you have an Internet browser installed on your PC is the first step. You can either use Internet Explorer, Chrome or any other Internet browser, as long it has been updated to the latest version.
- Visit and click on ‘Log in’, located in the left side of the website.
- You will be redirected to a new URL direction, where you will need to use your personal login info, including your customer number, in order to log into Nationwide’s banking service.
- Once you are correctly logged into the system, you may use any of the features offered by Nationwide Online Banking.
Solving potential problem using
There might be some instances where you may run into problems. If you are stuck and don’t know what to do, you should follow these recommendations:
- If you try to visit, but the site is not working or it does not load, the website might be down. In this case, use the contact number to ask for more information.
- You can check the status of the site by using any of the many services available on the Net, including or
- If your login info does not work, you may try to re register as another user.
Thanks to Nationwide’s mobile banking website and app, it is now very easy to create an account and start managing and investing your savings. Visit their site and find out more about their offers.
Nationwide branch in UK
36-38 Albion St,
Leeds LS1 6HX, United Kingdom