So, let us take a look at the Bug Club login on and a few of the main features that this site will provide.

This innovative website that is based in the United Kingdom is solely geared towards helping children to learn proper reading skills by employing a combination of cutting-edge technology with traditional reading methods.

There are a growing number of schools and families throughout the country that are interested in becoming involved with this novel approach to learning.

The site itself is quite streamlined and provides a wealth of materials to help illustrate how this approach can benefit the child.

Creating a Bug Club Account

Bug club home

Don’t forget to get your School ID before calling to register a Bug Club account

It is quick and easy for a user to sign up on for a working account at home or through a school’s network. One can either contact the company:

  •  by phone at 0845 313 8888 
  • by email at 

It should be noted that phone support is available Monday through Friday between eight in the morning until five-thirty in the evening.

For general enquiries, email is said to be the preferred method of contact.

Amenities Provided on

After one is registered and has the ability to sign in, a wide array of materials is immediately available. A number of different books are available through an online store; each geared toward a specific reading level.

Additionally, numerous and highly interactive games are provided which will help increase a child’s enthusiasm for reading and grammatical development. These services and more can all be accessed directly through the Bug Club login page found on the site.

Furthermore, there are always possibilities to contact customer service should any questions arise in regards to the products or services that are offered.

Thus, this site is extremely user-friendly and will address any specific needs of the customer.

These are but a handful of amenities that are offered by this unique educational provider.

The ability to sign up is easy and the number of interactive books and games will certainly entertain any child.

Bug Club in Pearson Education Limited headquarter

Pearson Education Limited

Edinburgh Gate, Harlow,

Essex CM20 2JE

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