Diya Online is one of the largest online clothing stores in UK. To see their ample catalogue and start buying online, go now on

Activate your account at

Diya sign-up

To register, be sure to complete this form. Keep in mind that these info will be used for your online orders!

Offering an incredible selection of dresses and jewellery, Diya Online makes it easy to shop online. Take a look at these instructions in order to learn how to create a new account:

  1. Start by visiting using your favourite Internet browser.
  2. You will then need to click on ‘Register’, located at the top of the website.
  3. It is mandatory to fill the registration form in order to complete the process. You will need to include your first and last name, your postcode, an email ID, a telephone and a password. Make sure to use your real address, as it will be employed in the future to send you all your orders.
  4. Once you have received your login information, click on ‘Login’ to begin shopping online.
  5. To buy any kind of item, you only have to select a product and click on ‘Add to cart’. You will be able to choose a paying method once you proceed to checkout.

Start shopping online using

Registered users have a lot of advantages to make their shopping online, including access to unique sale offers or the possibility of tracking their orders in order to learn the estimated time of arrival. Additionally, members also have access to:

  • A great variety of ladies wear suits, including all kinds of Asian models. You may also find other items, such as hair accessories, wedding gifts or manicure sets.
  • A selection of the best clothes for men, including shawls, waistcoats and fantastic shoes.
  • A useful size guide that will be extremely helpful if you are not sure which size to choose.

If you need any kind of assistance, Diya Online allows you to contact their Leicester branch using the contact number available on their website.

Diya order by mail: address

Diya by RFL

Sales dpt

PO box 2455



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